Monday 9 November 2009

The Beginning of a ______ Influence

Wow, I have a blog. Oh yes I remember starting this. Its been a while since I did anything (even looked at) on blogger. So yea I'm back to do a blog it seems.

As all I seem to do so far is tell you how to make friends the Titch way and the tittle of this blog promises more than just that, I am now going to try and help you influence people the Titch way. But to do that I must tell you how to make friends with a fat boy first.

the Titch way

The fat boy this way(the Titch way) of making friends with is no other than the Fat Boy formerly known a Calum.

So if you think a fat boy is missing from your "posy" then you can follow this 6 step guide may be what you need.

  1. Be in a town center not far from previously mentioned McDonalds near the target fat boy
  2. Talk to fat boy but be ignorant and not listen when he tells you his name
  3. Want to get the attention of the Fat Boy so shout out " oi Fat Boy"*
  4. Wait an unrecorded amount of time during which meny people with start to call the fat boy Fat Boy
  5. In a night club be hugged and thanked for giving him the name Fat Boy bay the fat boy
  6. Wake up naked on your sofa with Fat Boy up stars next to your wet bed
the Titch way

Now on the the new business of Influencing people.

the Titch way

If you need to influence people to start calling someone by a new name its quite simple, in fact there is only one step needed. But however there is one pre-requirement needed.

  • Be a lazy cunt who dosnt listen and lern the names of people when they tell you them

One step guide:-

  • Find some one who isn't going to get offended by step 3 of Making Friends With A Fat Boy The Titch Way and perform the 3rd step of Making Friends With A Fat Boy The Titch Way

The Moral of this post is if you are going to be lazy and not remember some ones name, don't be homophobic it may just end up in a drunken hug and you cleaning a bed that is wet for some unknown reason.

*Try to make sure your fat boy is not easily offended and knows that fat is not a bad thing or a physical condition its a state of mind and something to be proud of